Tom Sawyer or the Wizard of Oz: what do modern children read?


Modern children are the generation of information technology, the era of headlines and short news. For us, the older generation, books were very important – we used to hold books in our hands, smelling the smell of fresh printing ink and paper.​

In terms of load, reading books for the brain is equivalent to a sports marathon for the body. The brain needs training, concentration. Too much information makes us unfocused and it's harder to focus on a long text. Moreover, it is not easy for children whose information field is filled to the brim.

Are modern students interested in books or so-called "longread"? We decided to talk about this from the pupils of children's yard clubs "Zamandas", and present their answers in this article.

Sanjar, 15 years old:

- I can read both popular literature and, for example, Japanese novels. Japanese, for some reason, I especially like. Favorite genres are -detective and mystery, they constantly keep in suspense and make you think.

Among writers, I prefer Howard Lovecraft for the fact that he is able to convey all the horror and atmosphere of what is happening in the book-make you feel goosebumps! I also like Marilyn Manson. You might be surprised – he's not a writer! Yes, he is a singer, but he has written a very intriguing biography about himself.

I read to develop my intelligence and vocabulary. This is especially necessary in the field of acting – in the future I dream of becoming an actor, and maybe a screenwriter. It is interesting to show images from books and portray characters by reading aloud. There are no readers among my friends, but I have other interests besides books, so I can always find something to talk to them about.

Temirlan, 12 years old:

- Of all genres, I am most interested in science fiction books. I read encyclopedias about history, culture, and animals. And since I dream of becoming a paleontologist, my favorite topic is dinosaurs. I really like the "Supersaurus" series of books written by JJ Burridge.

The plot of the book describes how a meteorite fell to Earth, but the dinosaurs survived and became part of life in the world of people. The action takes place in the 20-30s of the last century. The author describes modern animal rights and fills the story with emotions. Well, just imagine if we lived together with dinosaurs! This is something incredible! I've already read four parts and I'm looking forward to starting the fifth!

I started reading the "Chronicles of Narnia". I only read half of it, and then it was boring, because it was predictable. In General, it is very difficult for me to read if I don't find something interesting in it, and the book does not interest me.

Rizana, 15 years old:

- At the age of 8, I discovered the magical world of Harry Potter – my older sister gave me a book for my birthday. I read without stopping – I liked it so much. I believe in magic, and I think everyone is a bit of a wizard. I read all parts of this work, watched movies.

In General, the love for books was instilled in me by my grandmother, who is a teacher. We read "Pippi Longstocking", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", the "Wizard of Oz", and other children's books together. I also have a book "Fairy Tales and legends of the nations of the world" - it is super-interesting.

Now I am reading a novel by Chingiz Aitmatov "The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years", I was recommended to read it at school. To be honest, this novel fascinated me, I spend two or three hours reading. Reading really helps to replenish your vocabulary, makes your speech cultured, and gets rid of parasitic words. In addition, the imagination develops very well – you are your own Director, screenwriter, decorator and costume designer. By the way, if you read aloud and with an expression, you can improve your diction.

The heroes of our article, along with five of their friends, attend a public speaking club in the family courtyard clubs "Zamandas". In the classroom, children work with works of art, analyze roles and learn to get used to them. Therefore, their teacher Lyazzat Suleimenova encourages them to read books, thereby developing creative thinking and their speech.

Lyazzat Suleimenova notes that modern children read less, and often completely refuse to read. There's no point in looking for someone to blame. There is no place for coercion here either. Reading for a child should be fun, not torture. We can only give them the opportunity to get interested-buy books on topics that interest them, and even better-start reading together!

Let us remind you that there are 5 Zamandas family and yard clubs in Nur-Sultan, where about 2,500 children receive additional education free of charge. The clubs work thanks to the support of the General partner-the social projects development Foundation "Samruk-Kazyna Trust". The club's educational program includes more than 20 sections in various fields, including sports, creative and language.


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