Resident of Nur-Sultan patented a unique device for people with disabilities


Designer-developer Ardak Otorbaev has created a device that can make life much easier for people with special needs. This is a mechanical washing of wheelchair wheels and this invention has no analogues in the world.

Ardak Otorbaev submitted a package of documents for obtaining a patent for an invention at the beginning of 2020. Together with the team, he fulfilled all the conditions, prepared the necessary documents and, finally, the National Institute of Intellectual Property issued a patent to the inventor.

Climatic weather conditions in our country are sharply continental, accompanied by rain, snowfall, thaw, winds. All this creates inconvenience for wheelchair users, as the wheels become dirty, which leaves dirt streaks from the wheels in the premises.

Mechanical washing of wheelchair wheels reduces the time for cleaning the wheels from dirt, keeping the hands of the wheelchair user clean. At the same time, the psychological state of a person improves, which does not need to put additional efforts and feel awkward.

It is recommended to install such equipment in social and medical institutions, in sports complexes, in public service centers and other public places.

Ardak Otorbaev himself has a disability, therefore, like no one else, he understands how important it is to improve the living conditions of people with special needs. He himself has a higher education, is a master of sports of international class in sport dancing in wheelchairs, is a multiple winner of the World Championships and the Para Аsian Games, and is a member of the Paralympic team of Kazakhstan.

Now he works as the executive director of the Public Association of Disabled People Center «Independent Life» DOS» and heads the design bureau, where he invents new useful models to make the life of people in wheelchairs more comfortable and independent. Among other things, Ardak is raising three wonderful children.

«A stroller for me is my way of life, with the help of which I realize my dreams, work, raise children, go in for sports, express my feelings and thoughts, in a word, I love life in all its manifestations,» says Ardak.

He began to repair equipment since his school years, when he helped his father repair his car, at school he restored broken furniture, and as an adult, he began to professionally engage in auto mechanics.

«The process of repairing my wheelchair led me to believe that there are no wheelchair repair services in our capital. This is how the idea of ​​creating a single service center for the maintenance of wheelchair vehicles «Inva STO» was born, where we offer services from the repair of wheelchairs to modernization, the invention of new design solutions. We also have a rental service,» says the designer.

It became possible to bring the idea to life thanks to the «Samruk Kazyna Trust» Social Projects Development Foundation and its «Әreket» project aimed at the development of social entrepreneurship. In 2019, the Public Association won a grant from the Foundation and was able to strengthen the material and technical base of the Center, launch a service for the modernization of wheelchairs for the individual needs of wheelchair users and a service for creating rehabilitation aids.

«Social entrepreneurship is a balance of social goals and a commercial component, where money is not the goal itself, but a means of achieving these social goals. For example, we solve the problem of people with disabilities by helping them with wheelchair repair. In addition, we have employed people with special needs in our project, that is, we not only solve the problem of unemployment, but also help such people to socialize in society,» says Ardak Otorbaev.

According to him, the income received is directed to solving social problems, for example, for free repair of wheelchairs for those in need, providing material assistance to vulnerable groups of the population, master classes for special children, organizing excursions to the sights of Nur-Sultan for people with disabilities, and more.

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