More than 7000 residents of remote regions got medical examination in medical trains


More than 7 thousand residents of remote areas of Kazakhstan received medical care in a specialized place. The «Medical Train» has already visited remote stations in Almaty, East Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions. It is currently located in the Akmola region.

7,420 people, of which 1,465 children have already visited «Medical train» since its’ launch. More than 20,000 visits to doctors, 623 minor surgeries, 283 EGD procedures, 2,416 ultrasound examinations, and fluorography were performed.

“Last year, more than 40,000 residents living at 124 remote stations were examined. This year we have increased the number of visited areas. If a year earlier the train examined residents of 9 regions, then in this season the train will stay on the road until December 21, visiting 195 stations in 14 regions of Kazakhstan. It is planned to examine more than 60,000 people, ”said Assel Shildebaeva, deputy general director of the «Samruk-Kazyna Trust» social projects development fund.

Note that this year the medical train started from Almaty, and plans to visit all regions of Kazakhstan. From June 17 to July 7, 2019, the medical train will visit 24 stations in North Kazakhstan and Akmola regions.

Within the framework of the project, residents of remote regions and nearby villages of the country who do not have access to medical care are provided with free medical and sanitary-diagnostic assistance. The medical teams include therapists, dentists, ophthalmologists, mammologists, neuropathologists, cardiologists and other specialists.

Recall that on April 29, the project “Medical Train” started in Kazakhstan, the goal of which is to provide free medical care to remote areas of each region of the country. The project is implemented by the «Samruk-Kazyna Trust» social projects development fund together with the Social projects fund under the JSC «NC« Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» on behalf of the entire group of companies of «Samruk-Kazyna» JSC, as well as with the assistance of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The train schedule is available at www.medpoezd.kz and www.sk-trust.ibitrix.kz/ru.

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