How to speak Kazakh if you are not in Kazakhstan


The tendency towards self-development, self-improvement, upgrading one’s skills is getting popular. Technologies also help in this: it is very convenient when, being anywhere in the world, you can choose courses, webinars, master classes in learning languages.

For those who live outside of Kazakhstan, but want to learn the Kazakh language, there are no boundaries either. Moreover, when there is such a resource as Soyle.kz - a website and a mobile application for self-study of the Kazakh language.

The peculiarity of the resource is that it is the first free website and, most importantly, with the presence of the English-Latin version, which makes it easier for those who do not speak Cyrillic to learn the Kazakh language.

People from different countries studying Kazakh shared their experience of learning the language.

Kwok Pheng Loh, 40 years old, Singapore, engineer

- Kazakhstan is the main strategic partner in my business. When visited a specialized forum in Astana in 2014, I discovered Kazakhstan, its culture and language with interest and found new partners. It was at that time that I decided to study the Kazakh language. Moreover, my studies in the master's program involve the preparation of a foreign language.

But, first of all, it is necessary for business. Kazakhstan is a young and promising country. And in business, the one who is the first to use the opening opportunities succeeds. Of course, negotiating in Kazakh is still a difficult task, but I can already greet partners through Zoom or ask about the weather. Although I realize that my accent is terrible.

I learned the first simple phrases using the Soyle.kz application. It is convenient that you can use ready-made formulations without a teacher. It would be nice to add the topic of business: indices, currency, supplies, profits, devaluation, logistics.

Each lesson on the Soyle.kz platform, from beginner to advanced level, is not only a certain amount of grammar and new words, it is also games, dialogues, words with voice acting, tests, and a thematic dictionary.

Anastasia Zenkova, Barnaul. Student studying law

- I was born in Semipalatinsk, I learned Kazakh at school. I took part in the Olympiads and took first places. Teachers have always supported me. At that time, I was just memorizing the rules. Understanding came later, when I already consciously approached the study of the language.

After finishing school, for some period I did not study the language: exams, moving, admission, settling in a new place. Having decided to continue studying the language, I chose Soyle.kz. Easy to navigate, great content. Thoughtful thematic dictionary. I like the opportunity to choose my level of lessons. I am a scrupulous person, so I go through the lesson from A to Z. I do the tasks, I pass the test. And I start a new one only after I repeat what I have passed.

I like that the website is free, despite the fact that most of these courses are always paid.

Of course, practice is needed and better with a native speaker. Then the pronunciation is better and more information remains in the memory.

Often good projects are closed: there is no funding or ideological inspirers have left the project. Therefore, from the wishes: only successful continuation and growth, so that the Kazakh language gains popularity.

Ksenia, Moscow, RF, Master's degree at the Higher School of Economics

I won't say that I do it regularly, but from time to time I open the website Soyle.kz. Especially when I start to miss the times when I lived in Nur-Sultan.

I can take 1-2 lessons at once on Soyle.kz. But, I confess, I play more in the «Struggle of words» or watch video clips with pleasure. A good feature is the Soyletube channel.

I still have many friends in Kazakhstan and in my correspondence I often use Kazakh words (the thematic dictionary helps) or even sentences from ready-made constructions. Convenient and not difficult.

Surprisingly, while living in Kazakhstan, I spoke only in Russian, and now I want to say or write to friends in Kazakh. I already have a large set of flashcards on my site from frequently used words.

I found out about Soyle.kz in the usual way now, just by googling.

I think the Kazakh language will be useful to me in the future. I have a good level of English and the Kazakh language will replenish my piggy bank of languages. As I go through all the levels, I will try to master the spoken base of Japanese or Finnish. There is no limit to perfection.

From the wishes of the project: not to stop and develop further, especially since online education is now our reality.

The implementation of the Soyle.kz project is successfully supported by the General Partner of «Samruk-Kazyna Trust» and the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation.




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