Branches of the Correction Cabinet and the Resource Center for Inclusive Education for «special» children opened in Kordai district


Inclusive education in Kazakhstan is becoming more and more accessible. Now the Offices of psychological and pedagogical correction (PPC) and Resource Centers are opened not only in regional centers, but also in remote villages.

So, within the framework of the project «Different-Equal», implemented by the PF«DARA» with the support of the Social Projects Development Foundation «Samruk-Kazyna Trust», branches of the Cabinet of Correction of the village of Kordai were opened in the villages of Masanchi and Sortobe of the Zhambyl region, and in Kordai itself there is now also a Resource Center. In addition, the Correction Office of Kordai, who is already 15 years old, was repaired and re-equipped with the necessary equipment. The event was held within the framework of the «Marathon of Good Deeds», organized on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

According to the Department of Education of Zhambyl region, 910 children with special educational needs live in Kordai district, including 403 of them have disabilities.

«Timely and qualified help from specialists can change the life of a «special» child for the better and give a chance for a decent and successful future. The PPC in Kordai village provides the necessary support for children with special educational needs and their families. Today, two more branches were opened, which will allow children from Masanchi and Sortobe to receive assistance without leaving their villages. This project for the development of the existing district PPC can become an example for promoting and expanding the range of services for children with SEN living in rural areas», said Saule Beksultanova, a representative of the DARA Foundation.

The office of psychological and pedagogical correction is an institution where any special child and his family can receive comprehensive qualified assistance from a team of specialists, such as a speech pathologist, psychologist, speech therapist, sign language teacher, typhlopedagogue, physical therapy instructor, music rhythm teacher. Every year, PPC, including its branches, can serve more than 120 children with various developmental disabilities free of charge.

«Thanks to the expansion of the network of PPC and other special educational organizations, more and more children with special educational needs can study in a comprehensive school together with their peers. With the support of the «Samruk-Kazyna» Group of Companies, 15 Correction Offices and 16 Resource Centers have already been opened almost all over Kazakhstan», says Akzhol Karimov, head of the Kordai district postal service center.

The resource center is a school space and a zone of cooperation between specialists working with special children and ordinary teachers. With the support of the Resource Center, the school creates the necessary conditions for the full and effective inclusion of children with special educational needs in general education schools, providing a set of scientific and methodological services to teachers working with children with developmental disabilities and their parents.

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